Of all the Gin Joints in all the Cities in all the world it had to be The Old Pink in Buffalo that burned to the ground? No one would morn a Friday’s except the corporate suite. In Buffalo, a kick to the balls is the closest we will ever get to a love tap.
Great article Andrew. Made me smile and relive some of my memories of the early days. Too many stories, but many not fit to repeat. lol… RIP Pink Flamingo/Old Pink🦩
Glad I joined your page! Good to know the back story. My first time in The Continental was 1983, I went with a coworker and my first time in the Ol Pink wasn’t much later.
I was a good girl- but that atmosphere of the Pink let me deny that. The music kept me coming back. I found it interesting, daring, evolved (believe it or not) and a place to feel grounded. The crowd was always a mix, if you didn’t do drugs you were never bothered by anyone- you didn’t want what they had and they stayed away from you because you didn’t. Mostly UB grad students when I went. I noticed it changing crowd wise copy cat characters so I can vow to that. It’s now in a legend status.
Murphys Tavern! Never got to Old Pink but I spent too many nights at Murphy’s in the 80’s. The old guy who owned it used to stand at the door as you filed out at 2am. He’d give you a huge smile and a pat on the shoulder as you stumbled past…”SEE YOU IN CHURCH!” he’d say…lol.
Of all the Gin Joints in all the Cities in all the world it had to be The Old Pink in Buffalo that burned to the ground? No one would morn a Friday’s except the corporate suite. In Buffalo, a kick to the balls is the closest we will ever get to a love tap.
Great article Andrew. Made me smile and relive some of my memories of the early days. Too many stories, but many not fit to repeat. lol… RIP Pink Flamingo/Old Pink🦩
Glad I joined your page! Good to know the back story. My first time in The Continental was 1983, I went with a coworker and my first time in the Ol Pink wasn’t much later.
I was a good girl- but that atmosphere of the Pink let me deny that. The music kept me coming back. I found it interesting, daring, evolved (believe it or not) and a place to feel grounded. The crowd was always a mix, if you didn’t do drugs you were never bothered by anyone- you didn’t want what they had and they stayed away from you because you didn’t. Mostly UB grad students when I went. I noticed it changing crowd wise copy cat characters so I can vow to that. It’s now in a legend status.
Murphys Tavern! Never got to Old Pink but I spent too many nights at Murphy’s in the 80’s. The old guy who owned it used to stand at the door as you filed out at 2am. He’d give you a huge smile and a pat on the shoulder as you stumbled past…”SEE YOU IN CHURCH!” he’d say…lol.
I remember Hatchet John....lol.